A Love Letter to the Chief of Staff

You’re our favorite sparring partner, and we’re your biggest fan.

A Love Letter to the Chief of Staff
Photo by Edward Howell / Unsplash

Let’s face it. We wouldn’t be where we are today without the teams behind the scenes of the campaigns, launches, initiatives and organizational changes we take on every day. While there are more hands on keys than we can count, we wanted to give a special shout out to one near and dear to our heart: the CMO’s Chief of Staff.

Dear Chief of Staff,

How do we love you? Let us count the ways.

The way you navigated the rollout of that new organizational structure left us speechless.

Six executive calendars for an out of state meeting with dinner managed like it was nothing.

You see the big picture, and the small details, never missing a beat.

No one is better at connecting. You make everyone feel heard.

We wish we could see inside your brain. You see the connections that others might not.

No blinders, here. You’re willing to be challenged and take new things into consideration. Your calls are always well-informed.

You’re our favorite sparring partner, and we’re your biggest fan.

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